Custom Logo Agency

Privacy Policy

General Privacy Terms

These privacy terms are tailored to address each concern that might arise for the users of Custom Logo Agency's website (""). In this document, the terms "you," "your," "customer," and "user" refer to the viewers, readers, customers, or any other party involved with Custom Logo Agency. The terms "company," "us," and "we" refer to Custom Logo Agency.

Custom Logo Agency respects and values the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy addresses the questions and concerns of our users regarding the use of their personal data and information by Custom Logo Agency. We only collect the information necessary to create and update the services acquired by our clients, with the sole purpose of delivering an excellent digital experience tailored to our clients' specific requirements.

Through the following privacy terms and regulations, Custom Logo Agency guarantees the privacy of its clients. We also affirm that we have no intention of unethically using client data and information for sharing or selling to any third party or user. Further details regarding third-party concerns are provided in the section below.

Key Objectives

This Privacy Policy aims to clarify why Custom Logo Agency collects, uses, and shares client data and information. It also explains the necessity of collecting such data and information.

Custom Logo Agency reserves the right to revise, amend, change, and add to the terms of service at any time without official notification to clients or users. We recommend that our clients and users regularly check the terms of service and privacy policy page to stay updated.

Collection of Specific Details

Custom Logo Agency collects various types of information and data from its clients and users for service purposes. The collected data includes but is not limited to:

1. Generic Details:

  • Client name
  • Email ID
  • Contact Number
  • Business or Residential Address
  • City
  • Country

Business & Vendor Details:

  • Company Information
  • Emergency Contact
  • Support Contact
  • City
  • Country

Utilization of Gathered Data & Information

Custom Logo Agency collects and uses client data for the following reasons:

  • To monitor and manage the UI and KPIs of web and app design, development, and Quality Assurance projects.
  • To provide updates on web and app monitoring, management, and maintenance for optimum performance.
  • To enhance user experience and create a progressive UI.
  • To share information with relevant departments and personnel within Custom Logo Agency.
  • To maintain the privacy, security, and confidentiality of our users' data.

Data Security

Custom Logo Agency employs robust security measures to ensure the confidentiality of collected client data. We have implemented a powerful HTML5 for e-commerce infrastructure and maintain an SSL certification (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt users' information and data sharing.

Third-Party Involvement

Custom Logo Agency may share client information with third parties (in rare cases) to improve or maintain networking, communications, and project promotions. Any sharing of exclusive information with third parties depends on the contract between Custom Logo Agency and the respective third party. However, third parties are not authorized to further utilize or share client data with any other party in any way. Custom Logo Agency strictly forbids the further sharing of client data and information.

Cookie Policy

Custom Logo Agency uses cookies on its website to collect additional information from visitors, including selected network preferences, demographics, interests based on website design, and contextual information. Cookies are used to enhance the overall user experience.

Custom Logo Agency ensures transparency with its users and does not retain any credit/debit card information once a project is closed.

For further inquiries and assistance, you can contact Custom Logo Agency through the following channels:

About Us

At Custom Logo Agency, our values are at the core of everything we do. We are a dedicated team of creative professionals who believe in the power of visual identity to transform businesses.



Excellence is the cornerstone of our work. We strive for nothing less than perfection in every design we create.



Integrity is the guiding principle that shapes our interactions with our clients. We value honesty, transparency.



Innovation is the driving force behind our creative solutions. We stay ahead of industry trends and continuously push the boundaries of design


Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We take pride in delivering logo designs that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations.

Custom Logo Agency mission is to help businesses of all sizes create logos that will help them stand out from the crowd and achieve their goals. We believe that a great logo is an investment that will pay off for years to come.

Light composure


We believe in open and honest communication with our clients. We want to make sure that we understand their needs and that they are happy with the final product.

Unic vision

Team Work

We believe that great things happen when people work together. We have a team of talented designers who are passionate about creating great logos.

Custom Logo Agency envisions a world where every business has a logo that is both visually appealing and strategically sound. We believe that a great logo is more than just an attractive image. It is a symbol of your brand, your identity, and your values. That’s why we are committed to creating logos that are both aesthetically pleasing and strategically relevant.

Ultra HD


We're passionate about logo design, and we love helping businesses create logos that they're proud of. We're always looking for new ways to improve our logo design process, and we're always excited to see the results of our work.

Focusing knowledges


We believe that creativity is essential to great logo design. We are always looking for new and innovative ways to express our clients' brands.

Fill Out the Information:

Services of Interest:

Contact Details:

We’re located in Los Angeles, California. However, there are multiple ways to book an appointment:

Our Portfolios

Custom Logo Design has a vast and diverse portfolio of logos for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Our Packages

Choose from the below reasonable packages most suited to your requirement.

Basic Logo


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Plan Includes

  • 4 Logo Concepts
  • 5 Revision Rounds
  • 2 File Formats
  • 24-48 Hrs Turnaround Time
  • 1 Dedicated Designer
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Money Back Guarantee

Startup Logo


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Plan Includes

  • 8 Logo Concepts
  • Unlimited Revision Rounds
  • 5 File Formats
  • 24-48 turn around time
  • 3 Dedicated Designers
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Money Back Guarantee

Professional Logo


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Plan Includes

  • unlimited Logo Concepts
  • Unlimited Revision Rounds
  • 7 File Formats
  • 24-48 turn around time
  • 8 Dedicated Award-winning Designers
  • Free Unlimited Color Options
  • Free Stationary Designs
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • 100% Ownership Rights

Business Logo


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Plan Includes

  • Unlimited Logo Concepts
  • Unlimited Revision Rounds
  • 7 File Formats
  • 24-48 turn around time
  • 8 Dedicated Award-winning Designers
  • Free Unlimited Color Options
  • Social Media Banners
  • Free Stationary Designs
  • Flyer/Brochure Designs
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • 100% Ownership Rights